Dennis Ruto

Software Developer

Get Started

Hi there, I am a Software developer with a background in Electrical Engineering. I am also a US Army reservist recently deployed to Kuwait and Afghanistan. As a lifelong learner, my goal is to provide simple solutions to complex challenges. My background in Electrical Engineering has honed my skills in problem-solving. The Army has equipped me with a can-do attitude. Bringing these attributes, therefore, gives me a leg up in the field of software development.


This app utilizes cheerios npm package to scrape websites. The links to the articles are saved to a MongoDB database. The app displays these articles giving the user flexibility to save and comment on them. Click here to access the repo


This app allows local artists to submit their name, email address and a YouTube link to their work. The artist's song is displayed on the page for other local artists to check out the tunes. The artists can then reach out to collaborate and create new music. See Repo
